Monday, June 30, 2014

A felting makeover

A couple of months ago I started this felted picture with the idea I wanted to create a forsythia bush. I got started and then got busy doing other things. Yesterday I got it out and I was no longer inspired by it. So I did some research on landscapes in my books and other tutorials and got out my wools....Not the best day yesterday to work with wool! It was hot and sticky and I felt I was wet felting it as I went instead of just needle felting. Had to take several breaks just to let my hands dry out! LOL....

                                                         This is what it was before:

                   This is what it was by 9pm last night. I think I am happy with it :-)

That's the beauty of working with wool. If you don't like it, just pull it off before you felt it real good and change what you don't like. This still needs some more felting but I like how it looks now.
Happy Creating!

Monday, June 16, 2014

The feeling of creating!

I love the thrill of creating something new. The adrenaline starts when the idea comes. Then the thrill of gathering all the materials and sitting down for that first creative session. One of the things I really like doing is spinning yarn. I don't get much time to do that so it is always exciting when I finish something. This yarn was inspired from some Cotswold locks I had dyed bright green. I have been wanting to try core spinning again and using locks would make the yarn look really cool, if I was successful! So I consulted a video about it...again...and sat down at my lovely spinning wheel. As with anything, it was slow going at first. The thing is with core spinning, you have to take it slow. That was good for me as I tend to be going all the time. It was a great chance to just sit and enjoy the moment. Soon I was getting it. YEAH! What a thrill it was. I filled that bobbin and still had locks left over. So I did another one. Now I have enough yarn to actually make something....sometime...that's another adventure. Do you think I was successful??

Happy Creating!